Enhancing Maternal Health and Child Wellbeing: Implementation of the Thinking Healthy Program in Liberia.
December 2022 | Fiona Samuels and Nicola Jones with Bassam Abu Hamad, Janice Cooper, Ananda Galappatti
Individuals and Communities Recovering from Ebola in Liberia (Resilience in the Face of Tragedy)
Individuals and Communities Recovering from Ebola in Liberia (Resilience in the Face of Tragedy)
Date | Author
An ODI Article
2015 | Nicola Jones, Janice Cooper, Elizabeth Presler-Marshall and David Walker
The life-long and intergenerational impacts of sexual violence in conflict
Upcoming Research Initiatives
Efficacy of Crisis Intervention Teams in reducing stigma and discrimination and improving care
Enhancing referral among traditional healers and religious leaders
User advocacy and information dissemination programs (radio)
Community based mental health care
Future Research Topics
National prevalence of mental health and substance use disorders
Psychotropic drugs effect determination
National prevalence of open mole (cultural bound syndrome)
Maternal depression and improved child outcomes
Suicide in youth
Peer support models in Liberia
July 2014 | Ellen Zegura with Ellena D.
Over a four year time period, more than 140 clinicians have been trained in the use of the data reporting software, and more than 3000 valid reports have uploaded to the cloud. This participation has persisted despite significant technology challenges and little data feedback to clinicians.